Friday, December 4, 2020

Giving Due to the Right Source

I have had my losses, frustrations, fears, and tears in 2020, but I refuse to give a year any power. 2020 isn't the cause of any misery, it's just the year in which it happened. There is one who likes to hid right under the surface and watch gleefully as people continue to attribute his handiwork to anything and anyone else but him. he doesn't seem to mind never getting the credit. he seems to be quite okay with us thinking it's the storm, the disagreement, the accident, the illness, the whatever and not him. 2020 is simply a number. It has no power at all. The memes and jokes may be funny but I wonder sometimes if he laughs hardest because we keep blaming every bad thing on a series of dates on a calendar and not the evil that he is. I refuse to blame anything else on 2020. I put the blame square on the shoulders of satan.


there have been weddings, new babies, new friendships and relationships, new jobs, new homes, promotions, new passions, giving, kindness, renewed relationships, gifts, uplifting, seeking Jesus, miracles, laughs, and cherished memories in this year too. Those things and all the good come from the One and He enjoys us talking about Him and to Him. He longs for relationship with us. He wants us to see Him at work in our lives. He doesn't skulk in the shadows, but He does speak quietly to us. He doesn't cause voices to rise in anger yet loves to hear them rise in joyful laughter, encouraging words, deep meaningful relationship building talks, song, exhortation, and praise.

Let's give blame where it is due, on who deserves it, but then stop feeding it. Instead let's turn our ears and eyes, hearts and minds, and attention and acknowledgment on the One who can take any and all plans of the other one and turn them to Good.

Refuse to let 2020 end without seeing the good that took place. And properly mourn what and who was lost in it. As you mourn and as your reflect, look for the Good and remember to breathe a "thank you" that even in mourning He is there and in rejoicing He is there.

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