Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Amazing Dream

Today my Facebook memory popped up with this incredible dream that I had a year ago. I can't believe I forgot that I even had this dream. See I dream a lot. A lot! But many are just bizarre and forget them pretty quickly, but the ones like this one, I usually remember. I'm so glad that I typed this dream up so that it could be a memory for me to see today. I will look forward to this memory popping up on my Facebook each year. 

Here's the post about the dream.

"Last night I had a dream and in it there was a place that I really wanted to be. An authority type explained why I couldn't go there. It wasn't said meanly or anything. It wasn't loud or threatening. It was stated factually. However, fear kicked in and those words that play a loop in my mind started in. Flight was my answer. But when I turned around to flea, I was face to face with myself and before I could react, other me threw arms around me. Other me got right in my ear and whisper, "stop, turn around, stand. This isn't going to turn out as he said." Other me turned me around, gave my shoulders a reassuring squeeze...and then I woke up. 

I know that other me was God's Truth speaking into that place of longing and to that place that lets fear win. I got up and went for my walk and listen to a podcast that "just so happened" to be about listening to the right Voice and used the David and Goliath encounter to make the point. 

I love how God does that! Can't say I'm looking forward to facing this particular giant but I am looking forward to seeing it fall!

Lord, help me stop, turn around, and stand in the face of fear because You are with me."

I know! Such a powerful dream!