This past July I went to Haiti. I had never thought of going to another country on a mission trip. Well, actually I had never thought of going on a short term missions trip. The idea of going and living in another country and teaching has crossed my mind before, but I have never really thought it would happen. As soon as I knew Pastor Rob was in Haiti I knew he would come back and ask people to go there. Of course there is a twist to that.
On January 1 of each year I pray for a word or particular direction from God. This year I knew He was asking me to be obedient to whatever He asked of me. That is a bit scary to think about. Well, Pastor Rob came back and sure enough he asked us to go to Haiti. So, I had to go!
I was scared. I thought that I wasn't equipped to do it. I mean I was on a medical team. I know how to put on band aids and not much more than that. I got to be a pharmacist and filled prescriptions. Haiti is a beautiful country partly because of some of the land and the ocean and the people.
As we neared the end of our few days there some of the others kept asking, "would you come back to Haiti?". I kind of hoped they wouldn't ask me. Not because I wouldn't go back, because I would. But my answer seemed weird to me. My answer was, well actually is, "yes, but it this trip makes me want to go other places more."
Why? I guess part of the not knowing of what to expect appeals to me. Now, I like knowing the whens and whats details. I am not a big fan of not knowing, but for this it appeals to me. I guess I like the idea of going into a situation like that, not knowing what can happen and seeing what God will do, seeing how He will use me. Of course the other part is God used me and I want Him to use me like that again.
So why is this post called Kenya? Because next July there is a trip to Kenya and as soon as I heard about it I wanted to go. Here's the kicker. Recently I found out how much it would cost and I can't imagine being able to come up with the money. It is considerably more than Haiti cost.
Recently we found out we won't get paid in August, because the state says we haven't worked enough days to get paid. That would mean getting paid sometime in September. So we would get paid around the 25th of July and then not again until September. I will need to start setting aside some of my pay to hold me over until I do get paid in September. Also, my house needs so much too. My kitchen needs all new appliances and there are always repairs that come up, hopefully only small ones, but they still add up. So money is the issue.
I would appreciate your prayers concerning going to Kenya. I would really like to go and am hoping God will speak and tell me whether I am to go or not.
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