Last night I had a dream that for the most part made sense, as much sense as dreams can make. There were strange locations and situations but for the most part it made sense to me. I'm not going to go into what the dream was about, I know such a tease, but one part keeps jumping out at me. That part was the part about dead eyes.
In my dream someone I used to know showed up and we started talking. He was talking about his business, I have no idea what the business was mostly because I just kept focusing on his eyes. He looked a little rough around the edges and his eyes looked dead. There was no life in them at all. They looked like regular brown eyes, they weren't crazy or scary looking, just had no life in them. Know what I mean?
It made me so sad to see eyes like that. Eyes with no hope. Eyes that have given up. Eyes of a person who is still alive, but not really living. It made my heart ache. I know the answer to eyes like that.
The answer is Jesus; giving your life to Him and having a relationship with Him. I would have dead eyes if I didn't have Jesus. My life hasn't be tragic but it hasn't always been easy. A few years ago God gave me a glimpse of what my life would be like if I didn't have a relationship with Him and that life would have been dead. It shook me to the core and I knew that I been blessed that He chose me and that I gave Him my life. I have often thought about that glimpse and everytime I do I can't do anything besides thank Him.
So what does that mean? What does it mean to surrender your life to Jesus? Does it mean going to church? Nope. Does it mean reading about Jesus and listening to people talk about Him or go to classes where you find out about Him? No. Jesus doesn't want you to just get dressed up and go to a building or just listen to people talk about Him. He wants you to be in a relationship with Him. He wants you to know Him, not just about Him. He wants you to give up the hurts you have suffered. He wants to be the Great Physician and heal those hurts. He wants you to talk with Him. He wants to reveal Himself to you in His Word and by speaking, yes, speaking to you. He isn't just someone who talks to the clergy. He isn't just someone who talks to the ones who have it all together. He talks to each of us. What kind of relationship would it be if He never talked to us?
I pray for the one in my dream with the dead eyes. I pray that he will surrender his life to God and start a life-giving relationship with Him. I also pray for all those others living with dead eyes. I pray for the hurting. I pray for the desolate. I pray for the haughty who think they have it altogether. I pray for the ones with dead eyes and I pray that I can help them the answer is Jesus.
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