Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Exposing the Lies

Sometimes I get something from God and have to keep it just for me. Sometimes I get something from God and I know I have to share immediately. Then times like now, when God gives me something and I have to wait to share it.

A few months ago I felt led to pray for Truth to be revealed. It wasn't long before things started happening, ugly things and I felt overwhelmed by them. I went to God and said, "Lord, I asked You to reveal Truth. What is happening?"

His response, "I have to expose the lies in order to reveal the Truth."

It seems like a no-brainer now, but at the time it was a very enlightening statement. Today I had a conversation and shared what God had told me. I went all these months with this truth and not feeling that I was supposed to share, and today it was obvious that it was the moment to share it.

I have to admit some of the ugly things, the lies and such had taken a backseat. I actually thought that maybe they had been dealt with. I still prayed for Truth, but it I wasn't getting resistance. What I didn't realize was that it was festering under the surface. It seems it is poised to rear it's ugly head again.

I feel a bit apprehensive about it. I feel like a serious battle is about to be unleashed. That is a little daunting! I feel a little bit like a warrior about to go into battle. I felt like I was the only one standing up before, but now I know that I am not. Together with others I will continue to stand, pray, and fight for Truth.


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