Wednesday, July 1, 2015

The Silence Evil

Last night I had a dream. At first I thought it was a bad dream, and I tried to pray it away. That only lasted a few seconds until I realized it was a spiritual dream. I want to share the dream and what it means. Be warned, it might cause you to think.

The dream began with a gathering at a lake house. It was a gathering of people, some who knew each other and others who were being introduced. I think it was two families coming together. There was a young woman, who never appeared in my dream, but they referenced her a lot. They talked for quite a long time, and people began to move about the house.

A young man entered the kitchen. It had a window over the sink that looked out to the screened-in room and beyond to the lake. About seven people still sat in the screened-in room. Others were in various rooms, but I no longer saw them. Suddenly a man entered the house.

This man was young, probably early twenties, and he was Evil. I don't mean evil was a character trait of his, but he was Evil itself. He came to kill the young woman who was mentioned but never seen in my dream. Everyone was terrified of him and they sat there in fear. He threatened them with harm if they didn't reveal where the woman was. Still no one spoke.

The only one who said anything was the young man who was in the kitchen. He told the other man that he would take on the full harm he intended as long as he left the others alone. Evil said, "do you understand that it will be awful? It will be a lot as I plan to inflict a lot of pain on them."

The young man stood tall and said, "yes."

Evil then shot the young man multiple times. He fell onto a braided rug and lay there bleeding. Unfortunately for him he was not dead, but lay there bleeding seeing what happened next. Or more accurately he heard what happened next.

Evil did not keep his word. Did you expect him to? He entered the screen-in room and put a plastic bag over the face of one of the women. He pulled the bag back and she began to suffocate. The others on the porch just sat there. They said nothing. The man then dragged another woman out into the lake and drowned her. He killed each of the people on that porch in a different way, and no one said or did anything to make him stop.

As he killed them I flashed back to seeing the man laying on the kitchen floor. A white, pure white dog came in, curled up and snuggled up next to the young man. Even as he lay there in the midst of the young man's blood, the dog remained pure white.

As Evil was stabbing another man I woke up. As I said before the first thing I did was pray, but even though the dream was horrifying I wasn't scared. I don't handle scary things well. I am not one to watch scary movies, and I refuse to watch anything with serial killers. But this dream, that should have had my heart pounding, did not have that effect on me. Instead, as I said before, it was a spiritual dream, one that showed me something.

I believe that Evil entered the house of people gathering to meet each other because of an upcoming wedding. Some of them were related or friends of the groom. I believe he was the young man in the kitchen. He was a symbol of Christ. He was willing to take on the pain and death of all the others to save them. The young woman that I didn't see I believe is the Bride. Many believe that all Christians are the Bride, but I believe the Bride is a set apart group of believers. No one knows who they are, and I am believe that is why I didn't see her.

Who are the others. I believe they are Christians and non-Christians. As I already stated, the man who burst in was Evil or satan. He knew the deal he made with Christ, but he broke that promise and killed the others. The dog I believe was a symbol of the sacrifice Christ made for us. The blood spilled did not change His purity.

Why is this post called The Silence Evil? Because the evil in this dream wasn't just the man who lied and killed others. The evil was the silence of those who sat there and let it happen. While I dreamed I kept thinking, "why don't they say anything? Why don't they just rush him and stop him from killing them?" God spoke to me and told me that we, Christians, need to stop being silent. We sit by and watch satan damage, destroy, and  kill, and we say and do little or nothing about it. We need to come together and fight satan in the ways we have been provided to. We need to pray. We need to speak truth, in love. We need to not tolerate people, but love them and not tolerate the sin. Jesus loved the woman they dragged before him and asked if she should be stoned for her sin. But He also told her to go and sin no more.

People love to pull out "judge not least ye be judged" but the Bible also tells us how to deal with a brother (or sister) who has sinned. Confronting the sin is not being judgmental, rather it's life-giving, restoration-bringing. True we aren't called to be the Pharisees who brought the adulterous woman to be stoned. They weren't even judging her, but rather condemning her to die for the sin she committed. We are to be like Christ, who loved her, but told her, "go and sin no more."

Our silence is allowing evil to spread, destroy, and kill. Our silence is evil!


Linda Gaddy said...

I understand the silence effect. We live in it now. One, almost two generations now, have been reluctant to speak up about the need to know Christ and for what is morally right. They did not make it a point to intentionally teach this to their children; acting as if they believed the next generation would just pick up on it. They did not teach their children to be wary and to realize they are at war with the forces of evil. Mostly, they did not teach them that evil usually looks harmless of the surface, not obvious as in your dream. The current social trends of the natural world almost always are contrary to the God’ ways.

We did not want to spoil their innocent childhood, but it is inevitable. I believe it is the primary responsibility of a parent to teach your children to have spiritual eyes that look for what is happening in the spirit. It will save them and help them save others. Otherwise, you will end up with another generation of adults like the ones in your dream, who do not know what is happening, the danger, how to recognize the evil one, and how to stand up to him.

We teach our kids to look out for the physical dangers in this world (“don’t talk to strangers”, etc.), but not the spiritual ones. How many times do clues exist all around us indicating that all is not well in someone’s life? Abusive relationships, addictions, struggles beneath the surface usually have clues or patterns. Let’s pray for eyes to see what is not comfortable and courage to be the vessel that God uses to begin a change. Let’s be in training for the war, even if our generation before us did not train us well. Then, we will see victories!

Kim Peck said...

I agree with you Linda. I was blessed with parents who were real about the spiritual realm, both the wonders of it and the evil. We each need to pray for our eyes to be opened and for the eyes of others to be open. Those who have children or spiritual children need to pray for wisdom on how,what, and when to share with them. We need to be listening to the Holy Spirit and act and speak when He tells us to. I am guilty of not speaking or acting when promoted to more times then I would like to admit. I pray that the Christian culture will become one of prayer and acting based on the promoting of the Holy Spirit.