Saturday, June 16, 2018

God Wins!

I got a message from a friend telling me about a work situation of one of her sons. In the end he needs a new job due to the situation, and she mentioned how mean people are, how it seems that they are taking over. Instantly a phrase came to me, "God Wins!"

I have personally heard this phrase for me and had to cling to it as the mean, ugly, and even evil actions of others have gotten me down. When I felt like there was no answer, "God Wins!" would come to my mind.

See God has already won. Jesus made sure everyone, even satan knew that when He died and rose again. Satan knows it, but he wants to take as many people down with him before the end as he can. He still wants our focus to be one of wondering if good triumphs or not. He wants us to question whether God really won, and doubt that He will ultimately raise our hands over our head and declare, that because we are His, we win too.

Now, don't get me wrong. I'm not saying if I want to take something that isn't mine I get to declare, "God Wins!" and just take it. This isn't about me getting more stuff, more power, more anything. If anything it'll mean less, less pride, less selfishness, less anger, etc. I would like less of those things. I will gain in other areas though, go deeper in them. More joy in knowing Who I belong to; a deeper relationship with God; more trust that He will continue to show His faithfulness even as I and others don't show much of any.

"God Wins!" helps me look to God instead of the circumstances. It helps me shut up the overdone thoughts that have spun any number of horrible scenarios. It helps me calm my wildly beating heart and racing pulse. It makes me see the sunlight shafts bursting through the clouds of life. "God Wins!" is my reminder that He already has, but some battles need to be played out for me to see His victory. He has already been to the end of the battle, but I need to continue on until I get there to see it.

If you know me personally, then you know I hate Christian catch phrase, otherwise know as Christianese. This phrase is not just a unicorn riding a rainbow phrase like so many Christian catch phrases make me think of. It is a personal reminder to focus on the fact that He has the the victory, and although I don't know what that looks like yet, He has it all planned out. If the phrase helps you focus like that then please use it freely. However, if you want to put it on a t-shirt and maybe there will be a rainbow, puffy clouds, and a galloping unicorn, please don't. :)

Sorry, I couldn't resist. 

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