Monday, January 10, 2011

Believing ~ Death ~ Resurrection

The last three sections of What Happens When Women Walk in Faith are Believing, Death, and Resurrection. Lysa briefly previews each of these in chapter 4.

Believing involves watching for His confirmation and divine appointments. She says that we need to make sure not to get so distracted by the famine that we miss them. Believing will assure us, comfort us and motivate us to trust God in every circumstances.

Death is difficult to think about. Who wants death? But death is necessary. Lysa mentions the story of Abraham taking Issac to be sacrificed. (Interestingly that was part of the Scripture I listened to yesterday on God had finally after 20 some years, to give Abraham and Sarah their son, and now He was asking Abraham to give him back to God. As we know, God stopped him, and provided a ram to be the sacrifice. Ultimately God gave us His Son as the sacrifice. Christ's death, although unthinkable (at least for me) was necessary for His resurrection so we can have a new life in Him.

In the death phase we want so badly to hold on tight to that dream, that promise of God, but we need to continually go to Him and hand back that dream. I am confident God will provide the ram for us, even if it doesn't look anything like we thought it would.

Resurrection is simply the fulfillment of what God promised and bringing us closer to Him. It will be amazing and I am looking forward to the fulfillment of the dream, but much more importantly I am excited about becoming more like Him.

I am very excited to start the second section of this book: the famine!

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