This is chapter 6 of What Happens When Women Walk in Faith. Throughout the chapter Lysa tells the story of how God brought her adopted sons from Liberia. She writes, "...just going about my ordinary life when God's extraordinary invitation burst forth."
I try to figure things out. I'm a thinker. I will think a thing to death, but my thoughts aren't God's thoughts. His ways are not anything that I can figure out. So why do I keep trying. I need to just stop all the thinking, the trying to figure things out, the trying to control. I need to embrace His ways and just go about my ordinary day.
That doesn't mean it will be easy. It doesn't mean I would try to think about it, figure it out. It doesn't mean that the unknown won't bring out the fear. But the fear can be given over to God and I can seek the joy. There is joy in every situation, but sometimes it takes looking to see it. When I stop and pray at the end of the day, even on a horrible, heart wrenching day, I can find joy. It might be a small one or it may be a big one that causes what feels like a permanent smile to spread across my face. Lysa writes that depending on God brings the joy. That is why we are able to find it.
Lysa also writes that she believes that breakthrough comes during the famine. She says we have to stop striving, and honor God in each moment, each step, each day by what we do, and how we think. I really do not want to be an over thinker and I truly want the joy of trusting in Jesus...especially in the famine!
Lysa ends this chapter with, "May your ordinary be invaded with His extraordinary invitation to press through the famine phase and to live life His way!" May it be so!
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