Saturday, April 28, 2012

Joy and Peace

Lately that is what I have had. Joy and peace. If someone was to say, "why, do you feel such joy and peace now?" I would have to say, "surrender!"

Yes, I said surrender! I finally surrendered something to God. I was finally at a point where all I wanted to do was to get rid of it, so I let it go. That was about a month ago and each day has brought me more joy and peace. With the surrender comes a sense of anticipation for what He is doing. I could feel badly that I didn't surrender it earlier, but I have come to realize that His timing is His timing. His timing comes when He knows I am ready, when He has done enough heart work to make me ready. So there is no need to waste time feeling badly about timing.

Now I am in a phase of preparation. I can't tell you what I'm exactly being prepared for but I know I am. There have been other changes, ones I didn't expect, but they have come as well. I have some mixed feelings about some of the changes. Leaving a place that God used to bring such healing in my life, a place that helped me step out into new and even scary things. This is not a bad place and it is full of great, Godly people, but God has moved me and I have to move forward. I don't understand it, but knowing it is true continues to bring me joy and peace.

I have to admit that I find myself smiling almost all the time. The other day I thought, "I'm ready." It wasn't a I'm-ready-God-so-do-it-now-already kind of thing. It was more of a revelation. An I'm-ready-for-whatever-God-has-been-preparing-me-for kind of thing. It's excited, extremely exciting!

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