Saturday, March 5, 2011

A Promise Made is a Promise Kept

The title of this chapter made me smile. God keeps His promises.

I didn't highlight much this chapter, only because Lysa wrote a lot about another child that she tried to adopted. Actual at the time of the book they were still in the process. They had adopted their two boys from Liberia and were trying to adopt one from Belarus as well. The book was published 6 years ago and I do not believe they adopted Sergei since.

She wrote about how when she started praying for this boy she had "a resurrection of meaning and purpose and desire". I read that and said to myself that was what I wanted. Regardless of what dream I may have along my journey I want to have a meaning, a purpose, and desire in my life. I know that all that comes from God. When I focus on Him and strive to spend more time with Him I think those things come with the package.

I teach! It is a worthy and important purpose. I love being a teacher. I have always believed that my classroom is my mission field. I have 10 months to be Jesus to my children. I hope that I have succeeded at that more than I have failed. I know I failed. But lately I long for more, more of a purpose, more of a meaning, and for more desire.

Lysa writes, "He is looking for the souls who are willing to press close to His heart and hear the cries of the forgotten. He wants us to do great things with Him to reach "the least of these". I want that! I want Him more. I pray for that almost each night. I ask God to stir the desire within my for more of Him. I want to know that purpose, my meaning, is found in Him. I want to do the great things He has planned for me to do with Him. I am not outspoken. I am not an extrovert. I am okay with the behind the scenes. I just want Him!

Like I said, I don't think Lysa ever adopted Sergei but she writes about what if God answer is no concerning him. She also writes about how living a faith journey doesn't mean "happily ever after". I think about Abraham and how God promised him he'd be the father of many nations. I think about how he never saw that fulfilled. Even though Abraham didn't see it God's promise was fulfilled. I don't know when the promises God made to me will be fulfilled, or even if it would be the way I think it will be, but I do know He keeps His promises.

Numbers 23:19 "God is not a man, that He should lie, nor a son of man, that He should change his mind. Does He speak and then not act? Does He promise and not fulfill? I have received a command to bless; He has blessed, and I cannot change it."

He will resurrect a closer relationship with him, a deeper trust of him, if I let Him rule over all of my life.

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